Creative Solutions for Using MobLab in Your Class
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Creative Solutions for Using MobLab in Your Class

Rachel Bodsky
So, you've decided to use MobLab in your class. Sometimes, when using a new tool like MobLab, things don’t always go the way you've planned. After working with educators over the past few months, we've identified the three largest roadblocks instructors have faced with their implementation of MobLab, as well as creative solutions they came up to make games work in their classes.  

A student can’t get MobLab to work on their browser, iPhone, Android or other device.

The Reason
Sometimes, all a student needs to do is update their browser or device. Othertimes, it may be that a firewall or antivirus is preventing the student from participating. While these occurrences should be relatively rare, they do happen - and one or two students who can’t participate can bring the whole class to a standstill.

The Solution
Don’t troubleshoot with a few students while the rest of your class is waiting. Have the struggling students pair up with the guy or gal next to them who is able to log-in and play. Next time you plan to use MobLab in your class, remind your students to update their web browsers or apps if they are using mobile devices.

You found a bug that crashed the system. Now you’re not able to share the results with your students or make your teaching points.

The Reason:
We’re constantly improving MobLab for educators and students, but iterations come with some kinks. The more educators that start using our product, the more situations come up that could break something.

The Solution:
Nothing is more disheartening for us than if the system breaks in your hands instead of ours, especially in the middle of a lecture! One common solution is to refresh the browser. More often than not, some bugs are fixed with a simple refresh. If your instructor data is lost, using the Preview feature is one way to generate data to make your teaching points. Alternatively, asking students what they did in the game is a great way to open the class for discussion. Remember to report all bugs to us so we can fix them for you immediately!

Students just aren’t getting the game.

The Reason:
While our games are graphical and seemingly simple, they still need some explanation. Having students participate in our continuous market without a precursor on what bids and asks are can lead to blank stares and wasted time.

The Solution:
We have seen numerous creative ways that instructors have taught their students about the games before playing them - all without powerpoint! One educator used the configuration panel (where you set parameters) as a way to explain what students can expect. Another used the Preview feature to show the students the game elements of the screen and explain the actions that students can take. Finally, instructors have simply read our Class Instructions (found under the game in the Game Library). While they are the most basic, bare bones instructions, they are sufficient for creating context for the students.

Looking for more creative solutions with economics games? Then get in touch with our team to schedule a one-on-one demo meeting. Whether you’re teaching in person, online, or both, MobLab has got your class covered with many different exciting games to choose from.